What’s Your Wine Budget?

I was so excited when I found one of my favorite Chardonnay’s on sale at the local wine store. Of course, I bought a bottle of the Sebastiani 2014 North Coast. Brought it home, put it in the fridge to chill. It stayed there for a week, unopened. I brought it to a party, had one glass, shared a couple more, left the rest with the hostess.

Sebastiani 2014 North Coast

So I decided to go back to the wine store to get another bottle. But when I got there, the shelf price said $11.99. Did I really pay that much? I usually have a $10 limit. $10.99 max. Disappointed, I selected another go-to wine that was on sale for $8.95, an excellent price for Chateau St. Michelle. Still, I really wanted the Sebastiani.

When I got to the cash register, I just had to ask. “Was the Sebastiani on sale last week? I thought I got it for less than it is now.” The cashier checked. “It is on sale. It’s $9.99.”

I abandoned the Chateau St. Michelle at the checkout counter and went back to grab the Sebastiani. I am not too proud to make a big deal over a $2.00 savings. That $2.00 was the difference between being within budget and over budget.

What’s your wine budget? What wine can get you to go over it?

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